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Sources of Major Funding: past and present donors:

- Aging and Disability Services, Human Services Department, City of Seattle: Provides us with partial funding for our nutrition program at about $200,000 per year
- United Way funds our elder refugee program at $30,000 per year.
- The IDIC, Filipino, Laotian, Hmong, Samoan and Polynesian communities donate to the sites directly to help the nutrition program defray food expenses at about $30,000 per year. Additionally, volunteer time donated by about 100 volunteers is conservatively estimated to be valued at $200,000. Money goes directly to the sites and is not included in PAEP budget requirements.
- Seattle Foundation usually awards us with a $10,000 grant is support of the nutrition program every two years.
- Kawabe Foundation has awarded PAEP with $5,000-$7,500 grants in the past years.
- Muckleshoot Charitable Foundation has been awarding us with a $5,000 grant per annum.
- Norcliffe Foundation supports our nutrition program with annual grants of $10,000.
- Nesholm Family Foundation has supported PAEP with grants of $5,000 per year.